For Candidates

Candidate Registration

To be qualified and registered as an official candidate in a singular electoral district on PEI; whether you're affiliated with a party or as an independent,  all forms in the drop down menu below must be filled in completely and submitted to the Returning Officer before any elections signs are erected or fundraising gets underway.

The Official Agent of every registered party and registered candidate shall, within 120 days following Determination Day, submit a financial report of all election expenses to the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer of PEI.  
Please contact the Official Agent for your Registered Party.



To become a candidate in an election, you must first go through a nomination process. You can be nominated as an independent candidate, or as a candidate for one of the four registered political parties. You can only be nominated as a candidate in one electoral district per election.

Electoral District Maps

Here are the current electoral districts for PEI, as established by the Electoral Boundaries Commission (PDF) in 2017. View all districts here.

How does the nomination process work?
Am I qualified to be a candidate?
What happens if I am the only candidate in my district on Nomination Day?
What are the rules and guidelines for political advertising?
I  Got Elected...Now What?